Fonte Plose: again at SANA, 29° International Exhibition of Organic and Natural products.

We are waiting for you in Bologna at SANA from 8th to 11th September! Stand B83 Pavillion 25: this is the location chosen by Fonte Plose to meet the audience of SANA ( One of the most important trade fairs in the organic industry and an event that our company historically takes part to, with […]


Fonte Plose è partner di Academia Barilla fin dalla fondazione di quest’ultima a Parma nel 2004. L’Istituto Culinario Academia Barilla, primo centro internazionale dedicato alla promozione e allo sviluppo della Cultura Gastronomica Italiana nel mondo, ha selezionato l’azienda altoatesina e la sua Acqua Plose per accompagnare le sue quotidiane attività di valorizzazione dei prodotti del […]

Le Soste

  It’s a long time that Fonte Plose supports “Le Soste”, the association founded by Gualtiero Marchesi bringing together the best restaurants and chefs of Italian haute cuisine. A reference point for Italian cuisine in the world. The great Italian chefs were among the first in the restaurant world to recognize the importance of serving excellent water […]

A Look Back at the German Congress for Homeopathy

The German Central Association of Homeopathic Doctors (DZVhÄ) has collaborated with Plose Quelle AG for many years. The company’s presence at the Congress for Homeopathy provides Plose with the opportunity to connect with the homeopathic community on an annual basis. Attendees were able to taste the light mineral water directly at the stand in addition […]

Outlook: Medizinische Woche – Raise a Glass of Plose to Celebrate 50 Years of the Medizinische Woche, a Congress for Medical Doctors

For the third consecutive year, Plose Quelle AG will serve its light and pure mineral water at the Medizinische Woche, which takes place from October 28th to November 1st 2016 in Baden-Baden, Germany. As it did the previous year, the South Tyrolean company will participate in the most significant trade fair for alternative medicine in […]

Fonte Plose awarded with the “Bio Awards 2016” by Bio&Consumi

Was held in Bologna at “SANA 2016”, the most important international exhibition of organic and natural products, the award ceremony of the first edition of the “Bio Awards”, an award created in collaboration with Bio & Consumi magazine that aims to promote and valorize companies commitment in designing and creating innovative organic products in the period May […]

First “Boffi Healthy and Natural” event: Acqua Plose couldn’t miss it

October 13, Showroom Boffi Solferino Milan Fonte Plose has joined the format “Healthy and Natural”, designed by Boffi, one of the most important Italian design company, to present ideas and useful solutions for the well-living. As part of an evening which brought together several Italian excellences, selected by Boffi to represent all the different moments and situations that give […]

Fonte Plose again at SANA, the international exhibition of organic and natural products

Fonte Plose returns to SANA, the international exhibition of organic and natural products that takes place in Bologna from 9 to 12 of September. Already confirmed our position in the Hall 25 – stand B83, where visitors and professionals will have the possibility to discover the natural BioPlose juices proposal and the purity of Acqua Plose, one of the lightest

We are at Cibus exhibition in Parma, we are waiting for you!

You can find us at stand D029, Hall 4, where we are presenting all our products and in particular our new nectar BioPlose Pomegranate, a real elisir of pleasure, 100% organic. CIBUS – Fiere di Parma – May 9-12, 2016